It's not all in your mind

The Joy Institute
May 21, 2024By The Joy Institute

We spend so much of our time in our mind, losing our mind, blowing our mind, in two minds, minding our business, making up our mind, mind-boggled, changing our mind. But have you ever stopped to realise that our mind is actually shut away in a little black box (our skull)?  It has absolutely no experience of the outside world.

Our brain doesn't have a cooking clue what's going on.

It doesn't have a cooking clue what's going on. Except for what we feed it from our experience. Over time, it's learnt to predict the meaning of current sensory input from past experiences. Understanding that emotions are predictions can empower YOU to reshape your emotional experiences by adjusting underlying expectations and interpretations. This is the power of somatic coaching. 

By recognising that your emotions are predictions and that your body is truly driving your head, you can gain more control over your emotional responses and, therefore, over you experiences and actions. Isn't that the most beautiful thought! 

If you really want peace of mind, get out of your mind!

In the realm of personal and professional development, somatic coaching is gaining traction for its holistic approach that integrates the body and mind. Unlike traditional coaching methods that primarily focus on cognitive and emotional aspects, somatic coaching emphasises the role of the body in shaping our experiences and behaviours. This approach recognises that our physical presence and bodily sensations can profoundly influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Somatic coaching is an innovative approach that recognises the profound connection between the body and mind, facilitating growth and development through integrated awareness. Originating from the Greek word "soma," meaning "of the body," somatic coaching emphasises the importance of whole-body awareness to achieve transformative change.

Somatic coaching helps us integrate the mind and body to facilitate growth and development. This coaching niche promotes an understanding of how knowledge and experience combine to inform our capabilities. Somatic techniques help us build self-awareness around our physical, emotional, and mental patterns, creating a more integrative approach to transformative change.

focus photo of a woman holding sparklers

The neuroscience of somatic coaching explores how the brain and body interact to shape our experiences and behaviours. This neurobiological underpinnings of body-mind integration provide a scientific basis for somatic practices and helps us design interventions that harness the brain's plasticity to create lasting change.

The importance of embodied self-awareness, which involves a non-judgmental present moment awareness of one's bodily sensations, movements, and emotional states​​ is crucial for connecting deeply with one's physical state and emotions, which can influence actions and decisions profoundly.

For example, if we think that emotions are constructed by the brain based on bodily sensations and context, and are not inherent in objects or events, then by tuning into and interpreting bodily signals, we can influence our emotional experiences and responses and ultimately have more control of our interactions and experiences. 

What a night

Practical Applications of Somatic Coaching

Somatic coaching can be applied in numerous contexts, from personal development to leadership training and organisational change. Here are some practical applications:

• Stress Management: By increasing body awareness, we can identify physical signs of stress and learn techniques to regulate our nervous system, promoting relaxation and resilience.

• Improved Focus: Somatic practices help us cultivate mindfulness and presence, enhancing our ability to concentrate and make intentional decisions.

• Enhanced Communication: Developing greater awareness of bodily cues and nonverbal communication can improve interpersonal interactions and empathy.

• Trauma Healing: Somatic coaching supports trauma recovery by helping clients reconnect with their bodies and process traumatic experiences in a safe and embodied way.

Leadership Development: Leaders can benefit from somatic coaching by becoming more attuned to their physical presence and its impact on their leadership style and effectiveness.

Team and System Relationships

Somatic coaching is also highly effective in improving team dynamics and system relationships. By fostering greater body awareness, team members can enhance their interpersonal communication and collaboration. For example, somatic techniques can help team members:

• Identify and Manage Stress Responses: Recognizing physical signs of stress within a team can help manage collective stress levels and improve overall team resilience.

• Improve Group Cohesion: Through body awareness exercises, team members can better understand and empathise with each other's nonverbal cues, fostering a more cohesive and supportive team environment.

• Enhance Conflict Resolution: Somatic practices can help individuals stay grounded during conflicts, allowing for more constructive and less reactive interactions.

In a practical setting, we might work with a team to practise grounding exercises before meetings to ensure everyone is present and focused. Techniques such as group breathing exercises or collective mindfulness sessions can help synchronise the team's energy, creating a more harmonious and productive working environment.

four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset


Somatic coaching offers a comprehensive approach to personal and professional growth by integrating the wisdom of the body with cognitive and emotional insights. Understanding the role of embodied memories is crucial in somatic coaching.

Techniques that help you shift from autopilot reactions to conscious actions can lead to significant behavioral changes​​. This process involves exploring and modifying embodied memories, enhancing body awareness, and integrating new behaviors​​.

Whether for managing stress, improving focus, enhancing relationships, or improving team dynamics, somatic coaching provides valuable tools for navigating the complexities of modern life with greater awareness and intention.

At The Joy Institute, we advocate for a Whole Person approach to human transformation through personal growth, social bonding, mental fitness, and professional development. Change isn’t easy, but with the necessary commitment, we can help you build the tools to become the best version of yourself. Visit us at for more information.